Fall is definitely my favourite season, especially here in Toronto’s High Park. On behalf of the frigid weather outside, I figured I would post something warm and colourful to warm you up this Monday morning.  I honestly feel blessed to live 15 minutes away from a setting that you would expect to see on the outskirts of a small town. I love Toronto!


  • Nick - February 4, 2013 - 5:42 PM

    We love your photos
    Eva & NickReplyCancel

    • M.S. - February 4, 2013 - 6:57 PM

      Thanks guys!!!
      You are welcome to enjoy them anytime 🙂ReplyCancel

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“What’s Cool Connections?” you’re probably thinking. It’s a brand new networking event put on by 12 very passionate, young, bright and ambitious individuals who believe they can make a change in the world and in people’s lives. You arrive, you talk, you mingle and you drink a beer……..and maybe eat a carrot. But what’s most important is that you come with the purpose of sharing your own passionate ideas with others like yourself. There were nothing but positive vibes all around. I know this will definitely be happening again, so keep your eyes peeled and remember to smile to the camera 🙂

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